About Jeff Epler

I've been using computers since I first started typing in program listings on the Commodore Vic 20 when I was about 8. During the past few years my favorite language for general programming has been Python, while C is the best tool for the microcontroller projects that have taken much of my hobby time over the past year or two.

I refer from time to time to my "day job" of over ten years, which is an industry-specific CAD package. New code is written in C++ and Tcl, while most of the system was written in C and some parts of it are code that was autoconverted to C from a dialect of BASIC. My most recent duties have given me a thorough knowledge of Tcl and Tk, a good grasp of many user-interface issues, and a good familiarity with OpenGL graphics.

As for my current interests, that's what this website is about.
Website Copyright © 2004-2024 Jeff Epler