Well meaning folks have broken pip: PEP 668 -- now, pip install whatever will fail with "error: externally-managed-environment" even if the intent is to install to the user's local "site-packages" area.
If it hasn't affected you yet, it'll affect you with the system python packages in debian testing.
The rationale is solid (-ish) but I prefer things to work as they do now, without changing EVERY pip install line in EVERYthing I cut and paste from the internet (to add --break-system-packages to the commandline).
The solution, at least until a "super PEP 668", is to remove the marker file EXTERNALLY-MANAGED. However, just doing a "sudo rm" won't stick when the package is updated by apt.
Here's one way to durably put aside the 'EXTERNALLY-MANAGED' marker of your system Python installation:
dpkg-divert --divert /usr/lib/python3.11/NOT-EXTERNALLY-MANAGED --rename /usr/lib/python3.11/EXTERNALLY-MANAGEDThis "diverts" (renames) the file, in a way that is respected by dpkg.
If you have a different version of Python, you may need to give a different path to the EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file.
Entry first conceived on 15 March 2023, 19:31 UTC, last modified on 29 April 2024, 12:43 UTC
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