Sunflower Butter aka Sun Butter or Sunbutter (plus Chocolate Sun Butter)

These two bread toppings are part of our regular breakfasts and we hate to be without them.

Recipe makes two pint jars: one of regular sun butter and one of chocolate sun butter.

If you're used to nutella, this chocolate sun butter will be a surprise (but a good one, in my opinion)! It has much less sugar. If you like a sweeter product, you can use milk chocolate chips, or add additional refined sugar.

Special equipment needed:


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C)
  2. Place sunflower seeds on tray and place in oven
  3. Bake for a total of 25-30 minutes according to preference. Stir after 15 minutes
  4. Allow to cool for 10 minutes, then scoop all seeds into food processsor (or reserve 1/4 cup if you want a chunky sun butter)
  5. Allow to process in the food processor, regularly stopping to scoop the insides and bottom. At first this will be very powdery or grainy.
  6. When you feel you aren't making any progress, add olive oil in small increments and continue processing. At some point the mass will turn clumpy and finally become almost like a liquid.
  7. Process until the desired consistency is achieved. Taste for salt, oil, and texture; but be aware that the food processor has heated the mixture.
  8. If making chunky sun butter, add the reserved seeds and process briefly
  9. Scoop out a pint (470ml) of the paste: this is your finished sun butter.
  10. Add the chocolate chips to the food processor. It should be warm enough to melt the chips. Process long enough to thoroughly mix, scooping the inside at least once to ensure complete mixing.
  11. If making chunky chocolate sun butter, add the reserved seeds and/or cocoa nibs and process briefly
  12. Scoop out the remainder. This is your finished chocolate sun butter.

To make just a quart of sun butter, use 2 quarts sunflower seeds.

My food processor doesn't do a great job with just 1 quart of sunflower seeds, so if you want just the chocolate version I recommend using 2 quarts sunflower seeds & double the chocolate ingredeients.

We keep this in the cupboard and eat a batch over the course of a few weeks. It will also refrigerate for longer storage, but it's best to eat at room temperature.

Entry first conceived on 1 July 2024, 18:44 UTC, last modified on 1 July 2024, 20:19 UTC
Website Copyright © 2004-2024 Jeff Epler