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Big Day Out [australia/01351589211]
(M)(L)Rainbow Bee-Eater On our first full day in Port Douglas, we went on a day-long birding tour with Murray Hunt of Daintree Boatman Nature Tours. We first went on a morning boat tour with one other person, and then in the late morning and afternoon he drove us to a number of sites that provided numerous opportunities to photograph birds (and a few other things). I took about 900 photos. The first six are from Ingrid's camera, the rest are a selection of the better ones from mine.

Port Douglas Wildlife Habitat [australia/01353660922]
(M)(L)Rainbow Lorikeet Wildlife Habitat at Port Douglas, a zoo of North Queensland animals, including a great variety of birds, mammals and reptiles. There was plenty to see and do, and plenty of pictures to be taken. We'd already seen many of the birds in the wild, but it was neat to see them up close.

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