On the license of my Free Software

Over the years I have released a lot of software on the internet. Usually, I intend to release it as "Free Software". However, I haven't always taken the necessary care in adding a license declaration. This page is intended to clarify in a blanket sort of way the freedoms I intended to offer to recipients of my software.

Nothing below should be intended to limit rights which I might have stated in an explicit license declaration.

Nothing below should be intended to apply to work I did for an employer in the course of my duties.

For software released or updated on and after 2021-03-31

For software which I intended to release in public fashion (examples: via this blog, irc, usenet, discord, github, and public mailing lists), in addition to whatever rights I granted by a license declaration, I also grant rights under the GNU General Public License version 2 or version 3. (the "or later versions" clause is specifically not offered unless explicitly stated within the code).

In addition, as a special exception, I give permission to link the code with the OpenSSL library and distribute linked combinations including the two.

For software released before 2021-03-31

For software which I intended to release in public fashion (examples: via this blog, irc, usenet, and public mailing lists), in addition to whatever rights I granted by a license declaration, I also grant rights under the GNU General Public License version 2 or above. In addition, as a special exception, I give permission to link the code with the OpenSSL library and distribute linked combinations including the two.

Website Copyright © 2004-2024 Jeff Epler