gdepth 0.2: a gcode "remaining material" previewer

gdepth is a "remaining material" previewer. It reads .ngc files and creates .png depth map images and also allows an onscreen OpenGL preview. gdepth was written for emc 2.1 alpha 1 or later. Updated 2008/11/29: gdepth 0.2.1 has several updates that reportedly allow it to work with emc 2.2 and CVS. gdepth won't run on 64-bit ubuntu hardy because of a bug in numarray.

Files currently attached to this page:


Some samples from various stages of development:

(originally posted on the AXIS blog)

Entry first conceived on 23 January 2007, 3:12 UTC, last modified on 15 January 2012, 3:46 UTC
Website Copyright © 2004-2024 Jeff Epler