axis-dropbox: Automatically open new or modified gcode files in axis

Whether you are writing gcode by hand or generating it with cam software, you will find yourself frequently hitting "open" or "reload" in axis.

With the axis-dropbox script, a new or modified gcode file will automatically be opened in axis, speeding up the 'edit / preview' cycle just a bit.

Files currently attached to this page:


Make this file executable, rename it axis-dropbox and place it on your $PATH. Then put a line to load it in one of your .hal files:

loadusr axis-dropbox

You may specify a list of directories to look in and a list of extensions for gcode programs on the commandline. First specify the list of directories, then "--", then the list of extensions. For example:

loadusr axis-dropbox ~/gcode ~/Desktop -- .ngc .g

If not specified, the directories default to

~/emc2/ncfiles ~/emc2/nc_files
and the extensions default to

A gcode file is only opened when it is "complete". A "complete" file ends with one of the following:

"m2" newline
"M2" newline
"%" newline

(originally posted on the AXIS blog)

Entry first conceived on 5 June 2008, 14:47 UTC, last modified on 15 January 2012, 3:46 UTC
Website Copyright © 2004-2024 Jeff Epler