17 July 2010, 21:32 UTC
What was supposed to be the final week of our journey was spent in Dresden, visiting Ingrid's relatives. The weather was not as nice as the rest of our trip, but we enjoyed seeing everyone and exploring both familiar and new places. We also had some great meals, and had better luck finding vegetarian food on this visit that in the past.
Dresden Photos
What was supposed to be the final week of our journey was spent in Dresden, visiting Ingrid's relatives. The weather was not as nice as the rest of our trip, but we enjoyed seeing everyone and exploring both familiar and new places. We also had some great meals, and had better luck finding vegetarian food on this visit that in the past.
10 June 2010, 12:23 UTC
I separated these Barcelona Botanical Garden photos from the rest because I took so many photos there.
Jeff's Barcelona Botanical Garden Photos
I separated these Barcelona Botanical Garden photos from the rest because I took so many photos there.
22 May 2010, 17:25 UTC
We spent a day visiting Marburg, near Frankfurt, which is a wonderful town with lots of neat old architecture and a fantastic botanic garden.
Photos from Marburg
We spent a day visiting Marburg, near Frankfurt, which is a wonderful town with lots of neat old architecture and a fantastic botanic garden.
17 May 2010, 1:35 UTC
The Frankfurt Palmengarten on our first visit in early April. It was the last day of their annual orchid show, so we took lots of photos. I can't identify most of them, but they're still enjoyable to look at.
Frankfurt Palmengarten
The Frankfurt Palmengarten on our first visit in early April. It was the last day of their annual orchid show, so we took lots of photos. I can't identify most of them, but they're still enjoyable to look at.
13 May 2010, 0:15 UTC
These are photos from our sixth day of visiting Barcelona when we went to the Montjuïc area, and explored the many gardens there. We spent most of our time at the Barcelona Botanic Garden, which was huge and full of amazing plants, especially the Australia and Canary Island sections, which we explored throughly.
Photos from the Barcelona Botanic Garden and nearby
These are photos from our sixth day of visiting Barcelona when we went to the Montjuïc area, and explored the many gardens there. We spent most of our time at the Barcelona Botanic Garden, which was huge and full of amazing plants, especially the Australia and Canary Island sections, which we explored throughly.
29 April 2010, 18:49 UTC

All the photos I took on the trip
I took 2090 images on my DSLR on my recent trip to Europe. I know that's a
lot, but I really want to put them all online.
All my Europe 2010 photos

All the photos I took on the trip
21 April 2010, 8:14 UTC
Here are a few of the things that caught my eye on our second visit to the Frankfurt Palmengarten (botanical garden).
Frankfurt Palmengarten
Here are a few of the things that caught my eye on our second visit to the Frankfurt Palmengarten (botanical garden).
The photos that were the most fun to take were the goslings; I was surprised that the parents (who were right nearby) didn't take much notice of me, even when I got within 2-3 feet of their babies! The little ones barely noticed me either. I took 200 images of them alone, so it was hard picking just 3 to show here.
25 April 2007, 1:31 UTC
I've just returned from a vacation in Germany and France. Over the next few days I'll be putting some of my 600 photos online, roughly in chronological order.
Europe 2007: First days
I've just returned from a vacation in Germany and France. Over the next few days I'll be putting some of my 600 photos online, roughly in chronological order.
All older entries
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