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Searching for: adafruit

Helpful Scripts for CircuitPython & Real Time Clocks (RTCs) [01594912346]
I have used two different RTCs in the Feather form factor. One has the PCF8523, and the other has the DS3231. The former has an SD card slot while the latter has higher precision including a temperature-compensated crystal oscillator.

Calibrating the DS3231 and PCF8523 RTCs [01594923755]
The DS3231 and PCF8523 real time clocks (RTCs) can both be calibrated by writing various register values. To follow the calibration procedures you'll need a frequency counter you trust, with at least 6 digits to calibrate the PCF8523 and 7 digits to calibrate the DS3231. (It also has to operate at the comparatively low frequency of 32.768kHz; a common inexpensive 8-digit frequency counter such as the "SANJIAN STUDIO" has a minimum of 100kHz so it's not usable for this purpose) I use an old HP 5315B universal counter that has been calibrated against GPS time.

Quad CharliePlex FeatherWing hack [01595078470]
Adafruit makes these neat "CharlieWing" displays that allow you to control a 15x7 LED matrix using…

Pi Zero W USB Proxy [01599489100]
… with a Zero4U hub and Adafruit MiniPiTFT 1.14" attached. To a base raspbian lite system I…
… including tio, udiskie, screen, and Adafruit Blinka; enabled ssh access and disk mounting by the pi…

Using Adafruit Macropad as LinuxCNC Control Pendant [01629313423]
… LinuxCNC's hal_input. For instance, the Adafruit Macropad has a (very coarse, just 20 detents/revolution) encoder, 12…

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